The Margolis Just Workstations supply a range of workstations that provide an answer to problems of both storage and the need for a practical workspace in various industries. Whether your customers operate in production, engineering, automotive, manufacturing, assembly, maintenance or any other industry, our Margolis Just Workstations will meet their needs perfectly.

Just Workstations offer a cost effective and economic solution. They’re supplied as easy self-assembly kits and only require a rubber mallet to set up. Despite their simple design they can hold a considerable weight bearing, which lets your customers organise their warehouse or workshop by storing useful equipment in one easy place. The 18mm chipboard work surfaces can carry up to 300kg, while the shelves can hold 150kg.

Various Just Workstation configurations are available – your customers can choose how many upper and lower shelves are required, leave room for an operator to be seated alongside the work bench, select a small add-on bench that can be easily manoeuvred around the workplace, or add a louvred panel at the rear of the unit to attach plastic storage containers and spigots (not included).